Welcome to Looking Glass Studios, a death game in which twenty participants face near-death experiences for a cash prize! The game is split up into nine different parts which all have different themes/inspirations! Each part will have different puzzles and other challenges meant for participants to face, and all of these parts will have a supervisor (or two) watching over them!


How to Sign Up


Summary of Part One


The game starts with the participants arriving in the previously titled "The Crow Company" Studio. The participants look around at the multitude of rooms they have access to, and some end up talking to a couple of hosts. Two specific participants end up stealing from the studio and are the first to be knocked out [This time with bricks]and put into the Death Game. After a while, the rest of the participants are knocked out with chloroform and they start . . .

Chapter One

The participants wake up in a high school gymnasium and they meet the host named Saturday Loughty! The participants learn that they are now in a death game and they have to solve puzzles to stay alive! For the rest of the chapter, the participants solve school-related puzzles! When the participants finish they are met with the option to either keep Saturday alive or kill them by a woman named "The Mrs", and they end up keeping them alive. The participants are knocked out again afterwards, but one of the participants end up giving Saturday a concussion.

Chapter Two

The participants wake up in an empty street in a small town. They end up coming across the host Sawyer Katz whose role is a supervillain in this chapter. The participant's goal was to stop the supervillain and their henchmen before they cause more chaos in the town. The participants end up racking up a kill count and the chapter ends with Sawyer being murdered by a singular participant. The participants are knocked out again afterwards.

Chapter Three

The participants wake up in a suburban home this time around. The participants aren't met with a host this time, instead, they're greeted by a serial killer who pretends to murder Saturday. The participants have to find out who the killer is before they end up killing all of them. It ended up to be three killers pretending to be one. The killers were Saturday, a random actor, and the host of the chapter Hasiel Acosta. Hasiel ends up almost dying at the end by the hands of "The Mrs", but they're saved by the participants. Afterwards, the participants end up passing out again, but the same participant who attacked Saturday attempts to drown Hasiel.

Chapter Four

The participants wake up in a incredibly large library that resembles a maze. This time the host Sam Ju meets the participants immediately, but doesn't really give any information on himself. The chapter centers around the mystery of this host's tragic past. On the other side of things, a participant ends up fully murdering Hasiel after another participant failed to in the previous chapter. When the puzzles and such are finished, the participant that attempted to murder Hasiel and Saturday ends up actually killing Sam. Afterward, all the participants pass out.

Chapter Five

The participants wake up in a fantasy town this time like something that would be in Dungeons & Dragons. The participant's main goal is to save the princess (their host) Loimata Kaiwai who is trapped in the hands of a villainess! The participants solve puzzles with the help of NPCs to save the princess, and they end up saving her from the villainess called "The Baroness" who was really just "The Mrs". This chapter ends with the participants being knocked out as usual.

Chapter Six

This time the participants wake up in a small European town. The host named Joan Moreau this chapter introduces herself by throwing a man out of a building. She explains she's a spy, and for the rest of the chapter participants are solving spy-centered puzzles. The chapter continues on before the participants and the living host up to this point (besides Joan) are split up into teams of two to play Russian roulette. The participants were ranked on how dangerous they got with the game without dying. The winners ended up being Saturday and their partner meanwhile last place was Loimata and her partner. After this game, the participants start to pass out except one of them who attempts to murder Joan. They end up failing but they do shoot her with a gun they stole from the Russian Roulette.

Chapter Seven

The participants wake up in a victorian mansion and they are greeted by the director Genki Takao. This time, the chapter follows the participants getting a "break" chapter but it's quickly shown that this so-called "break" was a lie after Loimata and her partner from Russian Roulette are murdered. The killer is discovered to be one of the participants who got a lower ranking in the Russian Roulette game, and the participants choose not to kill him. Like always, the chapter ends with the participants getting knocked out.

Chapter Eight

The participants wake up as usual this time in a forest near a winter lounge. The participants feel something creepy in the woods so naturally, they run off to hide in the lounge. The lounge is inhabited by this chapter's host named Dulce Cuoto. The participants solve puzzles to not die from the paranormal entity in the woods. At the end of the chapter, most of the participants end up being knocked out except for the participant who murdered Sam and the participant who attempted to murder Joan who together kill Dulce.

Chapter Nine

The participants wake up this time in the parking lot of a studio. The host of this chapter introduces himself as Kiaan Jain and he explains that this final chapter is meant to be a gameshow of sorts. The participants are split up into teams with one team being called the Pink B-tch Team and the other team being called The Underdogs. The Underdogs end up losing, and them losing ends up costing them their lives. The Underdogs weren't the only ones to die, and Kiaan is shortly murdered by one of the participants. The gameshow continues on with the Pink B-tch team being split up and the game show going on like that. Kiaan was also replaced with "The Mrs" who appeared for the first time in person. Only two people come out on top as winners as the other half of the Pink B-tch team ends up dying by their own hands. Genki Takao goes up to try to congratulate the winners, but "The Mrs" ends up murdering him on stage. This is also when it is revealed: "The Mrs" is Genki's wife whose name is Lilith Burton.

The game is now continuing on in the form of Looking Glass Studios aka The Crow Company PT. II